Explanation of Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
A. A unique approach in land use regulation by combining or referencing all development related ordinances and codes. The City of Holland's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) combines the City's existing Zoning, Streets and Sidewalks, Tree, and Subdivision Ordinances, traditionally divided into multiple ordinances, into a single, graphic-heavy, user-friendly, regulatory document. UDO also references additional development related codes such as the International Fire Code (IFC) and the Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW) Terms of Service.
B. When to use UDO. The requirements of UDO shall be met for all new construction and for all exterior renovations, additions, or site alterations. See Section 39-12.01 to determine the approval process for each project.
C. UDO implements the City's Master Plan.
1. It does this through zoning standard requirements that implement the goals that were developed through public input and adopted by City Council.
2. UDO is a legal document where the Master Plan is a policy document. If there is a conflict between UDO and the Master Plan, UDO shall govern.
D. UDO promotes resiliency. Many of the goals of the City's Master Plan regard developing a more economically, environmentally, and socially resilient community.
1. Mixed-use development. A primary way to achieve resiliency through zoning is by enabling mixed-use development in most areas of the City.
a. This best planning and zoning practice locates housing close to employment and amenities, which promotes resilient practices.
b. UDO achieves this by changing all commercial zone districts into mixed-use zone districts and allows for some mixed-use development in residential and industrial zone districts as well.
c. Resilient practices promoted by mixed-use development:
1) A reduction in the total vehicle miles traveled, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions, lower community costs, and decreased traffic congestion.
2) Complete neighborhoods where residents can live, work, and play.
3) Livelier urban spaces with public gathering places and a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment.
4) Vibrant commercial areas that provide retail and services.
5) Compact development that helps preserve open space.
6) Efficient use of services and infrastructure, resulting in cost savings for the public.
7) More nonmotorized transportation opportunities, such as walking and bicycling.
8) Preserving property values by enabling developers and property owners to gain value from multiple market segments at once.
9) Decreased need for pavement, which leads to less stormwater runoff causing flooding and poor surface water quality.
Explanation of Hybrid Zoning
A. Context sensitive approach. Hybrid zoning recognizes the need for context sensitive zoning so that each area of the City has purposeful zone districts and zoning standards to preserve or enhance the area's specific character and to enable appropriate uses in that area. UDO implements hybrid zoning to seamlessly meld four zoning types found throughout the City of Holland. Each zoning type is organized by placing more or less emphasis on these zoning elements: separation of uses,
mixed uses, character via form and design, general and
site plan standards, and process. See Section 39-1.02C.
B. The four hybrid zoning types.
1. Conventional zoning. This is the traditional, historic zoning type, which focuses on the separation of uses. Zone districts following this zoning type only allow a mixture of uses on separate properties. An example of a conventional zone district is LDR Low Density Residential.
2. Conventional and mixed-use zoning. This is a new and innovative zoning type that enables a small percentage of mixed uses on the same property. An example of a conventional and mixed-use zone district is HDR High Density Residential that permits a maximum of 25% of a multifamily development to contain certain commercial uses.
3. Mixed-use zoning. This best practice enables mixed uses to be located on the same property, which is extremely important as discussed in Section 39-1.01D. An example of a mixed-use zone district is CMU Corridor Mixed Use where commercial and residential uses are permitted and residential uses do not have a density maximum.
4. Form-based code. The Form-Based Code Zone District is broken-up into subdistricts depending on the context of the area. Form-based code encourages mixed-use development and is specifically attentive to the form, design, and character of each area. Instead of being organized by permitted uses as the other zoning types are, form-based code subdistricts are organized by building and frontage types and by building envelope dimensional standards. An example of a form-based code zone district is F-CDT Form-Based Code Central Downtown which focuses on preserving the character of the Downtown Holland.
C. Hybrid zoning types and zoning elements. The graphic below depicts the four hybrid zoning types in
UDO. The importance of each of the zoning elements is depicted by the size of the circles. Each of the City's zone districts is provided below the graphic indicating which hybrid zoning type each uses. Section 39-1.05 provides the
Zoning Map used to determine which
zone district each property is located in, within the City.
Conventional Zoning |
Conventional and Mixed-Use Zoning |
Mixed-Use Zoning |
Form-Based Code |
LDR Low Density Residential |
HDR High Density Residential |
NMU Neighborhood Mixed Use |
F-CDT Central Downtown |
CNR Cottage Neighborhood |
MHR Manufactured Housing Community |
CMU Corridor Mixed Use |
F-NDT North Downtown |
MDR Medium Density Residential |
I Industrial |
RMU Redevelopment Mixed Use |
F-EDT East Downtown |
TNR Traditional Neighborhood |
GMU Greenfield Mixed Use |
F-WDT Waterfront Downtown |
A Airport |
PUD Planned Unit Development |
F-CENT Centennial |
OS Open Space |
F-RM River Michigan |
F-SIXT Sixteenth Street |
F-WASH Washington Boulevard |
F-SSV South Shore Village |
Explanation of Form-Based Code
A. Organizing principles. Unlike the conventional, conventional and
mixed-use, and
mixed-use zoning types, which are organized by allowable uses and dimensional standards, the
form-based code zoning type is organized by the following principles:
1. |
Regulating plan which is an additional layer to the Zoning Map that establishes the nine form-based code subdistricts based on the desired character for each area. |
2. |
Building types allowed in each subdistrict that provide the private realm character. |
3. |
Frontage types allowed in each subdistrict that guide how a building and the private realm interact with the public realm: the streets and sidewalks. |
4. |
Building envelopes for each subdistrict that provide dimensional standards. |
B. This graphic below depicts these organizing principles. The interaction and coordination of the private and public realms establishes an area's character. See
Section 39-2.23 and
Article 39-3 for additional information.