MapLink™ | Procedures | 6.06 Green infrastructure and stormwater management site design requirements

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6.06 Green infrastructure and stormwater management site design requirements
Intent. To meet the City of Holland's sustainability and resiliency goals, development needs to diversify the ways that stormwater runoff is collected, infiltrated, stored, and treated. Continued reliance solely on conventional infrastructure (water runoff into pipes and ponds) has proven to be unsustainable, especially with an increase in large storms and built development. The use of green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) has proven to be effective in working in conjunction with conventional infrastructure to mimic natural processes and to meet low-impact development site design.

Chapter 29: Sewer Usage and Administration and UDO relationship. Most developments shall be required to obtain a stormwater permit from the City Engineer in addition to obtaining site plan approval. Chapter 29: Sewer Usage and Administration, ARTICLE VI: Stormwater in the City's Code of Ordinances provides specific engineering standards to meet the ordinance and obtain a stormwater permit and references the applicant to the City of Holland's Stormwater Standards Manual for additional stormwater designs and details.

This section of UDO requires the applicant to meet the Stormwater Ordinance requirements in specific ways that are critical for site design and achieving low-impact development goals. The two ways these requirements do this are through the use of structural green infrastructure best management practices and by making retention and detention ponds amenities in addition to being used for stormwater storage.

Structural green infrastructure requirement.
1. Structural green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) shall be used to the maximum extent practicable to comply with the Chapter 29: Sewer Usage and Administration, the adopted Stormwater Standards Manual, and to obtain a required stormwater permit. Credits are provided when using green infrastructure BMPs to meet the Stormwater Ordinance and are determined through stormwater permit calculations.
2. Nonstructural BMPs are encouraged to be used in addition to using the required structural green infrastructure BMPs.
3. Additional best practices include managerial and certain other structural and nonstructural BMPs that are encouraged to be used in addition to the required structural green infrastructure BMPs.
These are listed in Sec. 39-6.08: Additional best practices.